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Augsburg Campus Ministry invites you to the Fosdick Lecture on Preaching in Hoversten Chapel today at 10:00 am. This year’s topic is “Hearing. Helping. Healing our Neighbors with Mental Health Challenges: Addressing Mental Health Concerns in Religious Communities.” Mindy Greiling and Senator John Marty will share their personal and legislative experience in addressing mental health concerns. One in three people have a family member struggling with mental health, yet we as churches, as a community, as a society have much to improve on how we relate to them.
9:30 am Check in and coffee
10:00 – 11:00 am Welcome by President Paul Pribbenow
Lecture with Sen. John Marty and Mindy Greiling
11:00 – 11:20 am Q&A session
11:20 – 11:30 am Break
11:30 – 11:50 am Augsburg Daily Chapel – Pastor Aaron Fuller preaching
Online option:
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All participants are welcome. If you need accommodations, please call the University Events department at 612.330.1104 or email
Mindy Greiling served in the Minnesota House of Representatives for 20 years where she initiated the first state bipartisan mental health caucus after her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia. She served on the state and national NAMI boards and is the immediate past president of NAMI Ramsey County.
Senator John Marty has been a state senator since 1987. He is a strong advocate for government ethics, environmental protection, and affordable health care for everyone. Throughout his career, John has been a strong advocate for public investments in people — in health, education and employment – to enable all people to reach their full potential.
Pastor Aaron Fuller serves as the Pastor at Our Father’s Lutheran Church in Rockford, MN and as a Navy Reserve Chaplain.