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Volunteers needed for Research Study:
Factors in Understanding Students Who Want to become Psychology Professionals and Choose Not to Attend Graduate School
You are eligible to enroll in this study if you can answer YES to the following questions:
Are you a senior psychology undergrad at Augsburg?
– Do you have a 3.0 GPA or higher?
– Do you desire a graduate-level career in psychology (e.g., therapist, researcher, or professor)?
– Did you decide not to apply to grad school for the upcoming year?
If you agree to participate in this study, I will ask you to participate in one 45-60minute in-person interview at Augsburg University. You will be e-mailed the interview protocol ahead of time to review the questions that will be asked in the interview. Granted permission, I will audiotape this interview and transcribe our conversation into a written transcript. You will then be e-mailed the transcript and given seven days to edit it before it is used as the raw data for this study. The results of this study will be disseminated in a final paper. Direct quotes may be used if granted permission, but a pseudonym, rather than your actual name, will be used.
Contribution to the knowledge base on career planning
Having your voice heard
Participation in a consensually focused research study.
Email the primary investigator, Katie Rubedor-Green, a graduate student in the Augsburg University Clinical Psychology PsyD Program at:
Research Team:
Assistants: Dee Vang and Ryan Fechner, graduate students in the Augsburg University Clinical Psychology PsyD Program
Advisor: Dr. James Theisen, Ph.D., LP, Clinical Professor/Director of Training at Augsburg University Clinical Psychology PsyD Program