Public Safety and Facilities Announcements
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Teaching and Learning
- Full-Time Faculty: Only 5 Seats Remaining for the Integrated Course Design Workshop in May
- Full-Time Faculty: Only 3 Seats Left for the Scholarly Writing Retreat in May
- GenEd(it) Revision Update
- Full-Time Faculty: Only 4 Seats Remaining for the Anti-Racist Pedagogy Workshop in May
- Visit the Writing Center
- 2023 Zyzzogeton Student Research Symposium – April 11
General Announcements
- New Staff Positions This Week (9)
- New Student Positions This Week (4)
- Strommen Center Staff Members: Please Participate in This Survey About Supporting Seniors
- Deidre Middleton Academic Advisors: Please Participate in This Survey About Supporting Seniors
- Seniors: Please Participate in This Sociology Survey About Your Success at Augsburg
- Commencement Ticketing Reminder – Faculty/Staff
- LAST Auggie Doggies Day
- Welcome Sara Fillbrandt
- Volunteer to Help Auggies Move Large Items Out of Their Residence Halls to the ShareShop
- ADSG and ASAC General Elections Open Friday April 7
Event Announcements
- Minnesota Humanities Center Presents: Learning from Place: Cedar-Riverside/West Bank April 29
- The Sverdrup Visiting Scientist Program – April 10 and April 11
- Pre-Physician Assistant Club: Last Meeting TODAY and Virtual Shadowing
- Info Session: Early Internship Recruitment with Ameriprise Financial
- Seniors: Employers Tabling TODAY
- TOMORROW: Greenhouse First Thursday
- Augsburg Book Club Meeting
- Psychology Honors Banquet and Alumni Careers Panel
- Chapel: Rev. Mark Hanson
Keeping Track of Auggies
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