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Earth Day 2023 – Fight Environmental Racism
SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 AT 1 PM – 3 PM
28th Street and Longfellow Ave S, Minneapolis MN
On this Earth Day, Saturday, April 22 2023 we should make it clear to Mayor Frey and cronies that Little Earth, East Phillips and supporters say NO to the demolition of the Roof Depot and the Hiawatha Expansion project. Adding the prospect of arsenic poisoning and the toxic fumes of hundreds of heavy vehicles to one of the most polluted neighborhoods in MniSota is not addressing climate change.
The people of Little Earth and East Phillips are overwhelmingly working class and BIPOC, and do not accept that Frey’s corporate and political interests are more important than breathing clean air and drinking clean water. The massive cumulative impact of pollution sources already in East Phillips was brought about by concentrating pollution in East Phillips. Fighting climate change can only be brought about by fighting environmental racism.
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