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Dear Augsburg Community,
A lot has changed since the current general education was approved in 2002. We invite you to share your thoughts about learning goals for a revised general education curriculum in a brief Goals of General Education survey, ideally by Tuesday, April 25th and no later than Monday, May 1st at 5pm. Initial findings will be shared during the April 26th faculty meeting. Finalized results will be available in the online resources linked below by the end of May.
Goals of General Education Survey:
+GenEd(it) Group reviewed AAC&U essential learning outcomes and discussed goals/learning outcomes for a revised general education
+Developed the online Goals of General Education survey
+Initial planning for a Staff General Education Revision Advisory group
April: Goals of General Education survey preliminary results to be shared during the 4/26 faculty meeting
May: General Education revision Days in May workshop
GenEd(it) Comment Box:
Summary of the comments received thus far:
General Education Revision 2023 Community Moodle page:
General Education Revision 2023 Google Drive:
With gratitude,
The General Education Advisory Group (aka GenEd(it) Group)
Amanda Case, Kristen Chamberlain,Jennie Diaz, George Dierberger, Darcey Engen, Elaine Eschenbacher, Rukia Gesaade, Marah Jacobson, James Vela-McConnell, Stacy Freiheit
Questions? Please contact Stacy Freiheit, General Education Director, at