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Join other faculty to learn about trauma-informed pedagogy and ways to implement trauma-informed strategies into your fall courses. We will meet for two in-person sessions in May (16 and 18), gather on Zoom in August to share intended practices, and enjoy two meals together (in October & November). A stipend of $800 will be awarded to participants. Leaders of the working group are Jennie Diaz (education), Mary Lowe (religion & Batalden Faculty Scholar), and Erin Sugrue (social work). Please submit a short application (150-300-words) that addresses these questions: Why are you interested in participating in the trauma-informed pedagogy working group? How will learning about trauma-informed pedagogy help you better meet the needs of Augsburg’s students? Email your response to by Saturday, May 6th. This opportunity is funded through the Batalden Faculty Scholars Program in Applied Ethics.