
Event Announcements

Keeping Track of Auggies

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Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Parking Permit Sales Date and Prices 2023-24

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Augsburg users will be able to buy a parking permit based on their academic or faculty/staff status on the following dates:

Tuesday, August 1, 2023
Faculty and staff (both full-time and part-time)
Adult undergraduate and graduate students

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Friday, August 4, 2023
First-year commuter students


Parking permit prices have remained the same as last year:

Student Resident: $195 semester/$390 year
Student Commuter: $179/$358
AU/Graduate: $61/$121
Adjunct Faculty or Part-Time Staff (below 0.5 FTE): $105/$210
Full-Time Faculty and Staff: $252/$504
Luther Underground: $470/$1,400
OGC Underground: $505/$1,515

Augsburg is moving to a virtual parking permit system with camera enforcement this fall. We expect this change to improve the parking experience on campus and enhance public safety. Please continue to watch A-mail for more details.

Parking on Campus

Teaching and Learning

Call for Proposals: CTL 2023 Back-to-School Workshops

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The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce that our 2023 Back-to-School Workshops will take place Wednesday, August 23 – Thursday, August 24, 2023, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. We invite proposals for professional development sessions from all interested faculty and staff. August workshop sessions typically focus on areas of teaching and learning, including but not limited to: course design and planning, community building, instructional pedagogies, assessment practices, technology enhanced learning practices, student mentoring, and/ or other topics relevant to beginning of the year and term. Sessions are generally 60 minutes, although two sessions may be combined for up to a 3-hour session if preferred.

For full consideration, please submit proposals no later than Friday, July 28th, 2023. Presenters will be notified by August 4th.

We hope you will consider sharing your best practices with our Augsburg teaching community.

If you have any questions about this form or the CTL Back-to-School Workshops, please contact the CTL Director, Rachel Lloyd at

Call for Proposals: CTL 2023 Back-to-School Workshops

URGO Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science Research Presentations

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Please join us for the URGO Natural Science, Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science student researchers’ final presentations of their summer work. Their presentations reflect the culmination of hours of effort on a range of unique and compelling topics.

Presentations will run from 9 am to 4 pm on Wednesday, July 26 and Thursday July 27 in Hagfors 150 BC. All are welcome to attend.

General Announcements

Agresso and Records and Registration Upgrade and Downtime: July 28 (evening) 29, 30

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We will be upgrading Agresso the weekend of July 28-30. Agresso powers Records and Registration, Human Resources, Finance and Payroll.

This means the following services will be offline Friday July 28 (after 5 PM) until Monday July 31:
Records and Registration (registration, class rosters, grades)
Agresso Web / Administrative Self Service (paystubs, W2s)
Agresso desktop (student record lookup, financial reporting, HR records)

With the upgrade the product name “Agresso” will be retired from the software and will be instead branded “Unit4 ERP.” Unit4 is the company that owns the Agresso product.

After the upgrade the employee web Administrative Self service (paystubs, W2s) will have a modern look-and-feel. Documentation provided by HR and IT will be updated soon after.

IT Status Page

Host Dinner for International Students

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A new semester is just around the corner, and luckily, we are expecting NEW international students to join us this Fall Semester 2023 — representing countries like Ethiopia, Belgium, Italy, Nigeria, Spain, South Korea, Greece and Norway to name a few!

Currently we are expecting to receive between 20 – 26 new international students, both degree seekers and mobility semester students.

As we collaboratively welcome this group, we plan for different experiences including a dinner potentially hosted by you—our faculty and staff members—in your home. These events create a space for our new students to connect directly with members of our community, AND the dinner provides an opportunity for you to learn about the incoming international students and their goals at Augsburg. It’s really a win-win situation!

Here are the details:
Date: Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Time: Pick up at 5 p.m. with a return to campus around 7 p.m. — Pick up at Einstein’s!

YES – Sign me up!

New Staff Positions This Week (4)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

07/18/2023: Graduate Assistant Football Coach
07/17/2023: Public Safety Officer
07/17/2023: Academic Advisor I
07/14/2023: Associate Director of Admissions and PSEO

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Event Announcements

2023 McNair Summer Research Presentations

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One component of the TRIO McNair Scholars Program is a 10-week summer research project. Each year students work with a faculty mentor on a specific topic, culminating in a final paper and presentation. At the end of the month, students will present their research at the 2023 National McNair Conference at UCLA. If you would like the opportunity to see these presentations at Augsburg, please join us on Monday, July 24, from 9:00am to 12:30pm in Science 123. This event is open to all students, faculty and staff. See below for a full list of presenters.

Note: Individual presentations are 10-12 minutes long. There will be time at the end of each group for questions and evaluations.

Group 1 (SSHA): 9:00 – 9:35am

Drew Gross, Communication Studies
Dr. Kristen Chamberlain
Anti-Racist Pedagogy in the Communication Discipline: An Extended Literature Review

Edward Stockard Jr., Social Work
Dr. Kao Nou Moua
How does toxic masculinity shape identity among BIPOC young adults?

Group 2 (SSHA): 10:05 – 11:10am

Logan Bradley, Psychology
Drs. Ben Denkinger & Henry Yoon
Effects of Inverted vs. Upright Faces on the N170 Event-related Potential Face Effect

Hafsa Hassan, Psychology
Drs. Ben Denkinger & Henry Yoon
Effects of the N170 on Facial Perception

Alex Hernandez Olivera, Clinical Psychology
Drs. Ben Denkinger & Henry Yoon
False Memories in Polygraphs

Cynthia Faber, Psychology & Religion
Drs. Ben Denkinger & Henry Yoon
How Polygraphs are Used to Induce False Confessions

Group 3 (NSMSCS & SSHA): 11:20am – 12:05pm

Ifrah Edow, Biology
Dr. Matthew Beckman
An Analysis of Daphnia magna Locomotion Rescued from Post-Manganese Toxicity

Theo Addotte-Wayo, Biology
Dr. Matthew Beckman
Studies of Gene Expression Across Multiple Stages of Eye Development in Daphnia Magna

Leeroy Doe, Political Science & Communication Studies
Dr. Sarah Combellick-Bidney
The Capacity for Care: Transcending the personal sphere – A comparative study of mutual aid efforts during the Covid-19 and HIV pandemic

Research Abstracts

Keeping Track of Auggies

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