2nd Anniversary of 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline; Advocate for Continued Support Today

submitted by premob@augsburg.edu

July 16 marks the second anniversary of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline! Help us celebrate by taking action for 988!

Please contact your members of Congress in support of three key policy bills that will help ensure that anyone struggling with a mental health, substance use, or suicide crisis is connected to local support and services in a timely manner. Our key bills are:

Improving Mental Health Access for Students Act (S.1236/H.R.2802) to require colleges and universities to include contact information for the 988 Lifeline, Crisis Text Line, and a campus mental health center on student identification cards and on their websites. Making it easy for students to find and share the 988 Lifeline number will improve access to lifesaving crisis resources and destigmatize reaching out for help

Local 988 Response Act (S.3444/H.R.4974) to connect people contacting 988 to services in their own state as quickly and safely as possible, while protecting privacy. Connecting people to a crisis center near their physical location—a process known as georouting—improves access to local, life-saving services.

CONNECT Act (H.R.6928) to establish grant funding to support follow-up services for individuals who receive suicide prevention and crisis intervention services. Providing follow-up services, such as phone calls, mental health appointments, or information about mental health resources significantly reduces the likelihood of suicide.

Together, we can ensure a robust and reimagines 988 system

988 Advocacy Campaign Website