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Today is my last day at Augsburg University serving as your Web person.
I really appreciate the time I have spent here. As an undergraduate and graduate student of Augsburg it was an honor to come back and work with a school that showed me a unique and beautiful higher education experience.
While I am taking a new role, one that I am not giving up is being part of this community of amazing people.
Working for Augsburg truly has been a dream come true. When I took this role, I was very vocal about my admiration & yearning for working at Augsburg.
I appreciate everyone that I have served and if I had the opportunity to work with you directly, I absolutely loved it.
I have made a lot of friends working with you all and will hold this space graciously in my heart, mind and soul.
Please if there is anything I can do to help, do not hesitate to reach out. As my grandma always said, “don’t be bashful”.
With love & peace,