Save the Date – Imagine Cedarfest, September 8, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.

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Save the date! Imagine Cedarfest, September 8 @ 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Imagine Cedarfest is a big, family-friendly block party for neighborhood connection and community organization. This event is a fantastic way to experience artists, musicians, and local businesses from the neighborhood and imagine a better future together.

When the Minnesota Highway Commission (now the Minnesota Department of Transportation or MnDOT) routed and constructed I-94 through the urban core of the Twin Cities in the ’60s, it destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses and displaced thousands. Now, as MnDOT evaluates options for the highway’s future, we have the opportunity to influence one of the biggest policy decisions in decades.

BONUS! Got a Weinie Dog?! Start training now and register for the Weinie Dog Race!!!
This is the second annual Wienery Wiener and Wiener-Wannabe Dog Race. This will take place on Sunday September 8th in front of the Wienery during the Imagine Cedarfest event.

We will see how many registrants we get. If we have enough “pure” dachsunds, we will run a separate race just for wiener dogs. Otherwise, we will group dogs by size to try to keep things fair. We may also choose to run multiple heats.

Register for the race here:

For more information visit: