2024–25 Student Satisfaction Survey

submitted by greenfin@augsburg.edu

You are invited to participate in the 2024-2025 Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). The results from this survey will allow Augsburg to understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with the services, learning environment, and overall experience you have at the university.

Your answers are completely confidential and will only be available to Augsburg as an aggregate result. Students who complete the survey are eligible for a drawing for several prizes, including headphones and and iHome!

Click here to take the SSI. Your passcode is your Augsburg Student ID number.

This survey will only be open for a limited time, so please don’t wait to share your thoughts on your experience as a student!

If you have any questions, please contact deanofstudents@augsburg.edu.

Click here to take the SSI.