
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

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Teaching and Learning

Due February 17: Phase 1 URGO Summer Research Applications

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Phase 1 of the applications are due February 17th at 11:59 PM, so start talking with your faculty members to learn about what research or creative activity is going on in your department!

The URGO Summer Research/Creative Activity Program is an 11-week, on-campus program (May 19th – August 1st) where students are funded to conduct research with a faculty mentor. URGO provides full-time summer researchers (400 hours) with a $6,000 stipend and housing discount while half-time researchers (200 hours) receive a $3,000 stipend and a housing discount.

URGO also provides funding for students to work for a professor as a research assistant on an ongoing research project. This is a 100-hour commitment over the course of the summer and comes with a $1,500 stipend. This is an excellent opportunity to try out research for the first time or focus on a specific aspect of a research project.

If you have questions, email or visit the link below.

URGO Summer Research Info and Application

Visit The Writing Center Today

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The Augsburg Writing Center offers free writing support, both online and in-person. Skilled Augsburg students will work with you one-on-one at whatever stage of writing you are in – the idea-development stage, the drafting stage, and the revision stage – and can show you how to choose an appropriate essay topic, how to develop a thesis statement and paragraphs, how to revise your essay, or assist with any other writing needs you may have. Tutors will be alert listeners and ask questions, and will not judge or evaluate the work in progress. For more information, please visit our website. We look forward to seeing you!

Located on the second floor (across from Advising) of the Lindell Library

In-Person Hours (stop by anytime, no appointment needed):

Monday: 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Thursday: 2:00-8:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 5:00-8:00 p.m.

Online (appointment needed): Sunday-Thursday 6-8 p.m.

Faculty Distinguished Contributions Award Nominations

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Award season has started! Celebrate the achievements and contributions of your colleagues and professors. Nominations for the 2025 Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards are open now through March 10.

There are 6 award categories: Scholarship, Service to the University, Service to the Community, Teaching: Adjunct or Part-time, Teaching: Full-time 5+ years, and Teaching: Full-time 5 years or less. Any members of the Augsburg community can serve as nominators.
Please find full descriptions and nomination forms linked below. Honor a faculty member with your nomination!

Faculty Distinguished Contribution Awards

Finding Your Footing in Joy: A Starting Point for Belonging Webinar, TODAY, 1 p.m.

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Webinar: Feb 4, 22025 1 to 2 pm

Title: Finding Your Footing in Joy: A Starting Point for Belonging in 2025

Dr. Karlyn Crowley, Provost, Ohio Wesleyan University
Dr. Jay Roberts, Provost and Dean of Faculty, Warren Wilson College
Dr. Marlowe V.N. Washington, Vice President of People, Culture, and Equity, Holyoke Community College

Description: Register for our first Belong webinar of 2025 for a lively discussion on well-being, hope and inspiration! You’ll hear from a panel of leaders and experts about what self-care looks like in this moment and how they ground themselves as a first step in the work to promote belonging.

Webinar Registration

Current AI Resources: Integration and Detection Workshop, February 12

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Please join the eLearning team & CTL for a workshop on “Current AI Resources: Integration and Detection” on February 12, 12:30 to 1:30 pm. In this workshop, we will explore options in Moodle for tracking AI usage. We will also discuss how to integrate AI into assignments at various levels (from no AI use to full exploration of AI) and establish expectations for AI use in the classroom.

Facilitators: eLearning Team: Shane Sletten, Susan Hadjiyanis, Nathan Lind, Jad Habib
Location: Marshall Room

Current AI Resources Registration

New Faculty Development Opportunities

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Augsburg faculty & staff now have access to ACUE’s one-hour quick study courses in a variety of topics (AI, media literacy, constructive conversations, experiential education) ) at no additional expense. You can review all available course titles here. Seats are limited, and enrollment for the first session is only open from Feb 1 to Feb 15. Register today!

ACUE Quick Study Course Registration

February 10: Moving from Inclusion to Equity in Music Education Research Presentation and Discussion

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Moving from Inclusion to Equity: Counterstories of Collegiate Music Students and their Institution’s Stories in Dialogue

Research Presentation and Group Discussion

Date: Monday, February 10th, 12–12:50pm Location: Lindell 301

Presenter: Mallory Alekna, Assistant Professor of Music, Human Development, and Learning

Universities and colleges often tell stories about the ways in which they have transformed in order to include and support diverse students. These stories are told through promotional and recruitment materials, values and mission statements, and university branding. It is well documented, however, that institutions maintain themselves, leaving the underlying structures of oppression and exclusion untouched (Ahmed, 2012).

Through this study, I examine the storied conflict between institutions and students, placing the lives of students in direct dialogue with the story of an institution. This study presents stories from multiple students, including those who are working to enact change at their institution. These stories are all being lived and told by students attending an institution that is striving to tell a story of growth and change. Examining these stories side by side, interweaving the stories of students with those of the institution, contributes to our understanding of the complex ways in which students experience equity and inequity, the complex ways in which institutions impact their experiences, and the complicated, untidy, messy work of striving toward equity when systems and structures tend to function “as usual” (Ahmed, 2017b).

General Announcements

HSA Webinar

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Do you have a Health Savings Account (HSA) but aren’t sure how to make the most of it? Join us for an informative webinar on Thursday February 13 at 1:00pm, where we’ll cover everything you need to know about using your HSA effectively—including how to invest your funds for long-term growth.

In this session, you’ll learn:
✔ How to use your HSA for eligible healthcare expenses
✔ Strategies for saving and growing your balance over time
✔ The basics of investing your HSA funds for future medical costs

This is a great opportunity to ask questions and gain insights that can help you maximize your HSA benefits.

Add to your calendar

Vendor Demonstrations for the Cloud ERP Project

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What is the Cloud ERP Project, you ask? Augsburg is moving to a new comprehensive cloud-based information system between 2025 and 2029. If you’re a student, faculty, or staff member, then this project will be changing how you interact with Augsburg online over the next few years—registering for classes, submitting grades, viewing payslips, and more.

Part of this process will be on campus visits from three vendors showing what their solutions offer. The majority of these sessions will be with key departments (Human Resources, Finance, Registrar, and Advising) and some sessions will be aimed at a more general audience.

Below are times for the first vendor demonstrations by Workday aimed at a general audience. All are welcome to attend these sessions, though your role will determine which one is most relevant to you.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025
8:45 – 10:30AM
Augsburg Room (2nd floor Christensen Center)
Topic: Introduction to WorkDay and Technology Overview

10:45 – 12 noon
Augsburg Room (2nd floor Christensen Center)
Topic: Workday Technology Overview for Staff (in any department)

1:00 – 2:00PM
Augsburg Room (2nd floor Christensen Center)
Topic: Workday Faculty and Advising Experience

Learn more on the Cloud ERP Project website

2024–25 Student Satisfaction Survey

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You are invited to participate in the 2024-2025 Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI). The results from this survey will allow Augsburg to understand what is important to you and how satisfied you are with the services, learning environment, and overall experience you have at the university.

Your answers are completely confidential and will only be available to Augsburg as an aggregate result. Students who complete the survey are eligible for a drawing for several prizes, including headphones and and iHome!

Click here to take the SSI. Your passcode is your Augsburg Student ID number.

This survey will only be open for a limited time, so please don’t wait to share your thoughts on your experience as a student!

If you have any questions, please contact

Click here to take the SSI.

Paid Opportunity for Trans Men, Gender Diverse Individuals, or Allies (SIM Patient)

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The School of Health is doing an Interprofessional Experience day on Monday February 24th which includes a simulated patient experience with a trans man patient. We are able to pay SIM patients $25 an hour for this.

There will not be any medications given, procedures done or invasive exams during this encounter. There will however be mentions of the patient previously facing transphobia, with the goal of our training our students to be affirming practitioners.

If you are a trans man or gender diverse individual who is interested, please email If you are AFAB but not a trans man and interested please only email if you are confident you can portray this respectfully.

Participants Needed for Mental Health Study

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Are you between the ages of 18 & 25?

You are invited to participate in a study investigating emotion and mental health!


Access the study here:

Please contact the study’s primary investigator with any questions at

Thank you!

New Staff Positions This Week (3)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

01/31/2025: Academic Advisor
01/31/2025: Assistive Technology and Accommodations Specialist
01/30/2025: Assistant Registrar for Scheduling and Compliance

Search Augsburg Job Postings

Seeking Survey Participants

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Hello, my name is Ashley Wurster and I am currently a clinical psychology doctoral student at Augsburg University. I am conducting a research study about how episode patterns in schizophrenia may affect stigmatization levels among mental health practitioners and the general public in Minnesota, and I would like to include you in my research. The study will be completed exclusively online and consist of a survey about your demographics and your experiences with and attitudes on schizophrenia/severe mental illnesses. It should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. To thank you for your participation, there will be an option at the end of the survey to have a $2 bill mailed to you. If you are interested in participating, please use the link below to access the surveys. I appreciate you taking the time to consider participating in this important research.

Event Announcements

Greenhouse First Friday: February 7

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The Augsburg Biology Department’s rooftop greenhouse grows an appreciation for and deeper understanding of the plants of our planet. The greenhouse is open to the Augsburg campus community on the first Friday of every month this semester, from noon to 3pm. The Augsburg community is invited to come see what we’ve got growing on, enjoy the tropical atmosphere and marvel at hundreds of plant species from all over the world.

The next First Friday of the semester is this week, February 7, 12pm—3pm. The greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of the Hagfors Center.

Stay updated on greenhouse activities by following us on Instagram!

Community Connections Conference: Saturday, February 8, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

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The Community Connections Conference is an annual free event that connects residents of Minneapolis, community groups, neighborhoods and local government.

Minneapolis Convention Center, first floor, Hall E, 1301 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55404.

Over 100 booths from the City of Minneapolis and other community groups
Workshops and community dialogues on important topics
Performances from local artists
Free lunch!

All communities should feel welcome in City spaces
It should be easy for everyone to get involved and influence important decisions and allll communities should get information about programs and policies in languages they understand.

We want to bring in people who are often underrepresented in local decision-making to:
Meet City leaders in a friendly, welcoming space
Celebrate successes and connect
Learn about new opportunities to get involved
Gain new skills and resources

Pre-register online or register on the day of the conference in person in multiple languages.


Living Stories in Chapel

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“Living Stories” is a series co-hosted by the Department of Religion and Philosophy, Augsburg Interfaith Institute, and Campus Ministry. Each month we will hear stories of commitment from across traditions. Join us in Hoversten Chapel at 10:40 am as we hear stories from:

February 12 – Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman, Associate Chaplain for Jewish Life at Macalester College, on Judaism;

March 12 – Cynthia Bailey Mains, Director of Adult Learning, St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, on Catholicism; and

April 9- Dr. Anantahand Rambachan, Professor Emeritus, St. Olaf College, and Board of Directors, Minnesota Multifaith Network, on Hinduism.

Taiyaki Workshop: Master the Art of Making Delicious Fish-Shaped Treats

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Join us for a fun and hands-on Taiyaki workshop where you’ll learn how to make these iconic fish-shaped pastries, traditionally filled with sweet red bean paste. In this workshop, we’ll guide you through the process of creating perfect, crispy-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside Taiyaki from scratch. You’ll get to explore various fillings and toppings, and best of all, take home your freshly made creations to enjoy with friends and family! Whether you’re a beginner or already a fan of Japanese sweets, this workshop is a great way to learn a new culinary skill and indulge your sweet tooth. Don’t miss out on this exciting Taiyaki workshop! RSVP is essential to ensure we have enough ingredients for everyone to enjoy making these delicious, fish-shaped treats. By confirming your attendance in advance, you’ll help us prepare the right amount of supplies so that each participant can get the most out of the experience. Plus, your RSVP guarantees you a spot in this fun, hands-on workshop where you’ll learn how to craft perfect Taiyaki, explore different fillings, and enjoy a sweet treat at the end!

Wednesday, Feb 6th at 4:30 PM
Hagfors 108

Keeping Track of Auggies

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