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Dear Augsburg Students, Faculty, and Staff,
You are invited to participate in a research study on Predicting Maximal Oxygen Consumption with a Single Stage Auggie Skate Test. Research subjects are asked to be within 25-55 years old, healthy, active, moderately-fit male or female, and is a competent skater. You will be asked to complete a bruce protocol treadmill test to volitional fatigue and to return 48 hours later to complete a leisurely ice skating assessment. You will be compensated upon completion of each test with a $5 cash for a total of $10.
If you are interested e-mail
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Custodial staff recently started emptying desk-side trash bins in offices just once per week. If you or your department have questions about what to do with your waste the Environmental Stewardship Committee is here to help.
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Dear Colleagues,
On July 10-12, the Sabo Center will be hosting a national conference on campus for the Place-Based Justice Network (read more about it by clicking on the link, below). As part of that conference, on Thursday, July 11, we will be having an evening reception hosted by the McKnight Foundation at their offices in downtown Minneapolis. We would like to be able to offer van shuttles (we have athletic vans reserved) between campus and the McKnight Foundation, and from the McKnight Foundation back to campus. Our Sabo Center staff is stretched thin staffing the conference, which is where we need YOUR help if you are a certified van driver!
We are looking for TWO certified athletic van drivers to drive conference attendees from campus to McKnight (downtown Minneapolis), running continuously from Foss Center to McKnight between 5:45-6:30p.m. and from McKnight back to Foss Center from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m.
You are welcome to attend the reception between the driving shifts, and we are offering a $25 gift card to each driver! You can also use community service hours if you choose.
Please respond to Green Bouzard ( by June 21 if you are available and interested!
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Kafe Kafeega will be open Saturday, June 15, 7:30 to 1:30pm.
Einstein Bros Bagels will be open Monday thru Friday, 7:30 – 1:30pm
The Commons will be open now thru August 3, for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
Thank you.
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Interested in a weekly produce membership? Want to help support a local organization who’s mission is to bring fresh and fairly priced produce to urban areas and food deserts? Please take this quick survey about Campus Kitchen’s potential partnership with BrightSide Produce for more information.
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Campus Kitchen will be providing free produce to students, staff, and faculty all summer long! Come by the Christensen lobby between noon-3 every Monday for the rest of the Summer semester. Hope to see you there! We may close early if all produce has been given away for that week.
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Fellow Auggie Cyclists!
If you’ve got a two-wheeled chariot, we encourage you to join us for our June Coffee Clunker. We’ll be supporting local coffee establishments, enjoying the summer weather, and getting a few extra miles under our belt. Feel free to hop off the route whenever you need to leave.
This is an open ride for any cyclist at any ability level.
When: Thursday, June 27 from 4:30 p.m. – ?
Where: We’ll gather in front of the Foss Center, on the grassy area
Why: To be healthier, to create community, to support local businesses, to relieve stress
Can’t join us? We’d still love you to join our group, track your miles, and keep in touch for future rides — we’re hoping to have one a month over the summer. A link to the route and mileage tracker can be found in the calendar event below — so make sure to add it to your calendar!
Have questions?
Contact Tessa Wegenke ( or Lee George (
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We will be welcoming 210 Advanced Placement (AP) high school teachers to campus Tuesday, June 18 through Friday, June 21. They will be participating in one of thirteen workshops for the entirety of the week. We have hired College Board endorsed consultants to teach these courses. They will be starting off in Sateren on Tuesday morning at 8:30 am, and the classes will run in Hagfors and OGC for the entirety of the week. They will also be eating lunch on campus in the dining hall each day. On Friday, June 21, we will welcome another 30 AP Coordinators who will be in a workshop from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm in the Marshall Room. During the week, there will be an opportunity for them to take campus tours with one of our Admission Ambassadors, meet some Augsburg faculty and staff, and also go to a workshop with Robert Gould on “Writing Effective Letters of Recommendation”.
The teachers will be coming from 17 states and 3 countries. There will be more than 150 school districts represented throughout the week. 130 teachers are from MN! This is a great opportunity to showcase Augsburg University and raise Augsburg’s profile with teachers who are working with exceptional students. Please help make them feel welcomed while they are on campus. You can learn more about the Advanced Placement Summer Institute (APSI) here:, and if you have any questions about the institute, please email
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2003 Honda Accord EX-L for sale AS IS.
This 4-door sedan runs GREAT and has all-new brakes (October 2018) and a brand new steering column pump (March 2019). The interior is all leather, heated driver and passenger seats.
203,000 miles and going strong!
I am selling the car AS IS. The car has some body damage due to a recent run-in with a deer: the left headlight needs to be replaced, and the front hood is indented and needs to be fixed before a next oil change. The front bumper has some significant cracks from the cold winter, but could simply be more firmly re-attached where it was jostled by the deer. However, the car is running perfectly otherwise and I have been able to drive it without any problems.
Even with the recent front-end damage, this car is worth $3,500. I’m selling it for $2,000.
Please contact me (Green Bouzard, if you want more information. See the link below for photos.