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You don’t want to miss the next DISCUSSIONS THAT ENCOUNTER next Thursday June 13th. A panel of phenomenal professional black women from the Silent Generation- Generation Y (Millennials) will share candid stories of racism in the workplace. This panel will expose how “MICROAGGRESSIONS” play a major role in the perception of their racial identity.
Thursday, June 13th at St. Olaf Church (215 South 8th Street, Minneapolis.) Free parking is available in the church lot, enter only from 3rd Avenue (just past the church) due to construction on 8th Street. Supper and social begin at 6:30PM with program from 6:45-8:30PM. All are welcome, free of charge!
For over twelve years, Discussions that Encounter has facilitated open discussions about race, racism and white privilege. These events are open to all and sponsored free of charge in Minneapolis on the second and fourth Thursday evening of each month. Our vision is to provide an environment where people of all walks-of-life and backgrounds can openly discuss any aspects of racism. We use video or prepared materials to pursue a specific topic with ample time for facilitated conversation. The objectives of these forums are to raise awareness, build relationships, assist all along the journey of overcoming racism, provide education on historical and current topics, and facilitate open conversations that can’t usually be approached across the “races.”
Notices are sent prior to each Discussion Forum with details on topic, location and directions. Contact Bill Keatts to receive information or to be added to the regular distribution.
Previews of coming Discussion Forums:
6/27/19 at Plymouth Congregational Church – Jim Bear Jacobs, Director of Racial Justice at Minnesota Council of Churches, will lead us in discussion about Indigenous issues, his work in generating community discussions, and his long-standing leadership of tours of the Bdote area (junction of Minnesota & Mississippi Rivers).