
Event Announcements

Keeping Track of Auggies

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Teaching and Learning

Call for “3 Days in May” Proposals from Faculty and Staff

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Augsburg’s annual “3 Days in May” (coordinated by the Center for Teaching and Learning) is back in person and will be held Tuesday, May 10th through Thursday, May 12th in the Hagfors Center!

The CTL Fellows are looking for interesting and engaging sessions for these three days, and we welcome your contributions. If you are interested in offering or coordinating a session/workshop/demonstration/etc., please complete the short form posted below and a CTL member will get back to you to find out more details and talk about specific presentation and scheduling needs.

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact

Nominations for the 2022-2023 Distinguished Contribution Award Due Monday, March 21 by Midnight

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Augsburg annually recognizes faculty individuals or groups that have made exemplary contributions to creating an engaging academic learning environment through awards for teaching, scholarship, and service. All faculty who have been employed at the university for at least three years are eligible for the awards, and anybody at Augsburg University may nominate a candidate. Adjunct faculty are eligible for a Distinguished Contribution in Teaching award specifically to recognize exceptional adjunct faculty.

For the full Call for Nominations, descriptions of criteria for each category, and the nomination form, please follow the link to the CTL Annual Awards page down below and scroll to the “Distinguished Contribution Awards” section.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Monday, March 21st (12am March 22nd) and award recipients will be announced at the April Faculty meeting as well as posted to A-mail. New this year: ALL nominees will be made public (pending award committee approval) to recognize the depth of faculty contributions.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer L. Bankers-Fulbright at or

Forum Podcast Ep. 89: Ensuring Equity and Belonging in the Future World of Work

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In this episode of The Forum Podcast, Jennifer Brown (Jennifer Brown Consulting) shares actionable insights for leading in today’s changing and uncertain environment, creating workplaces that are equitable and inclusive for all members, and becoming a purpose-driven organization.

General Announcements

Auggie Basics Housing – Application Open for Summer 2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Year

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Augsburg University is accepting applications for Auggie Basics Housing for summer 2022 and the 2022-23 academic year.

Monday, April 4, 2022 at 5pm

Auggie Basics Housing is designed to address the needs of students who are experiencing housing instability. The purpose of the program is to provide a bridge for students whose housing is not stable as they seek to identify a permanent solution.

Students accepted into Auggie Basics Housing will live on campus without cost to the student. Regardless of when students enter the program, the housing commitment will cover the full academic year if needed. If the student secures permanent housing elsewhere, they will be released from the program and the spot will be offered to another student.

Students are not required to have a meal plan if they are selected for Auggie Basics Housing, including those placed into buildings that require one.

To be eligible for Auggie Basics Housing, students must be returning students and not receiving other housing aid from the University. Incoming first-year and transfer students are not eligible to apply.

Students may apply for housing either for the summer term and/or for the academic year. Students must reapply each academic year, and may be part of the program for up to two academic years. Being chosen for Auggie Basics Housing one year does not guarantee participation in future years.


Questions may be directed to Michael Grewe, Assistant Dean of Students, at

Auggie Basics Housing Application

Event Announcements

PASU Afrikan Night Event Performers Last Call

On Thursday, March 31st, Augsburg’s Pan Afrikan Student Union will be hosting our annual Afrikan Night Event. The theme for this year is “Taste of the Diaspora”. We would like to invite all students and staff to attend. There will be live performances, catered food, and an African Fashion Show!

We would also like to invite all Augsburg students and local community talent to sign up to perform as well! There will be auditions held this month.

Click the link to sign up for to perform and the fashion show,


DM us on Instagram @AugsburgPasu!
Best Regards,


Aquarium Expo – This Saturday – Hagfors Atrium

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Minnesota Aquarium Society Aquarium Expo – Saturday March 19, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, first floor of Hagfors. FREE and open to the public.

For more information:

100+ tanks of tropical fish, aquarium plants and shrimp

Dozens of technical presentations on fish keeping and aquarium fish breeding

Raffles auctions of aquarium tanks, lights and equipment

Aquascaping workshop (no fee, opportunity to take your set up home)

Special offers from local fish stores

Swap meet

Meet local fish experts and pet store owners

Keeping Track of Auggies

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