
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Need a COVID Vaccine or Booster?

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Augsburg will host a vaccine clinic on Wednesday, March 30, for anyone who would like to receive a first, second, or booster dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. This event is open to all members of the Augsburg community as well as the general public ages 5 and older. The shots are free and no insurance information will be required.

Date and Time:
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Christensen Center East Commons

Pre-registration is strongly encouraged, particularly for children ages 5-11. Pre-register here:

A follow-up event will be held on April 20 for those who get their first dose on March 30. Augsburg students who attend either event will be entered to win a $25 VISA gift card.

Questions about COVID-19 vaccination? Get answers from the Minnesota Department of Health:

For more COVID-19 updates and resources, visit the Outbreak Planning website:

Contact with any questions.

Teaching and Learning

Take a Spanish Course this Summer in Mexico

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Ready to learn or improve your Spanish skill? Take a class with Augsburg in Mexico this summer! Multiple programs for all levels of Spanish skill are available, in one of the most affordable study abroad programs available to Auggie AND complete your Augsburg Experience!

Apply by April 1 for the following programs:

• various dates throughout summer
• 4-12 credits
• SPA – Spanish courses at all levels beginning to advanced, can fulfill Language requirements
• independent study or internship also possible

• June 8 – July 31
• 8 credits
• SPA 218: Spanish for Healthcare professionals
• INS/SPA 399: Observership

• June 8 – July 24
• 8 credits
• SPA 111 Beginning Spanish I
• SPA 116 Beginning Spanish for Ministry
• Upper-level courses available, if needed

To learn more about these programs and start an application, visit the link below.

You’re also welcome to stop by the Study Abroad & Away Office in Oyate Commons, lower level of Christensen Center. Email us at

Get full details for summer courses in Mexico

Call for “3 Days in May” Proposals from Faculty and Staff

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Augsburg’s annual “3 Days in May” (coordinated by the Center for Teaching and Learning) is back in person and will be held Tuesday, May 10th through Thursday, May 12th in the Hagfors Center!

The CTL Fellows are looking for interesting and engaging sessions for these three days, and we welcome your contributions. If you are interested in offering or coordinating a session/workshop/demonstration/etc., please complete the short form below and a CTL member will get back to you to find out more details and talk about specific presentation and scheduling needs.

If you have any questions or want more information, please contact

ED Talk March 23: Preliminary Results from the FDC Faculty Job Sustainability Survey

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Join Dr. Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright (Chair, Faculty Development Committee) as she presents the preliminary findings from the recent FDC Faculty Job Sustainability Survey. The survey was completed by 54 Augsburg teaching faculty at all levels of appointment and across all three divisions.

CTL will offer ED Talks (based on the concept of TED Talks) before each faculty meeting from 3:10-3:30pm over Zoom (link provided below; Augsburg login required). This year’s theme is “The Future of the Professoriate at Augsburg”, and 2021-2022 Ed talks will be framed under this broad theme that speaks to our “new normal” and beyond.

Faculty Research Survey

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Attention Faculty Members: Hamline graduate student, Jacob Devine is doing research to complete his master’s degree and is trying to reach LGBTQ+ teachers and LGBTQ+ former teachers with a short (10-minute) survey.

If you are a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise LGBTQ+-identified teacher or former teacher, please fill it out at If not, please consider sharing with your colleagues who may fit the bill.

You can reach him with any questions or concerns. Jacob Devine (he/him/his) at 320-360-3044 or

LGBTQ Teacher Survey

Full-time Faculty: Apply for the 2022 Integrated Course Design (ICD) Grant Program

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CTL’s annual ICD Grant program is offered to encourage faculty to develop their knowledge and skills in evidence-based, equitable course design. To that end, recipients of the grant will receive a $2000 stipend to participate in a 4-day workshop Monday May 23 through Thursday May 26, 2022 (9:00am – 12:30pm each day), optional coaching throughout the summer, and a wrap-up lunch in late August. To demonstrate application of the principles of the workshop, participants will also be asked to produce a final product that utilizes evidence-based, equitable course design (e.g. a syllabus).

Courses proposed for this grant may be new courses or courses undergoing substantial revision; preference will be given to courses being offered in the next academic year (2022-2023). Courses may be team-teaching collaborative efforts or individually-taught. Although open to full-time faculty at all stages in their career, preference will be given to early-career faculty.

The application form and samples of successful past applications are posted on the CTL Website under “Grants & Travel Funds; Annual Grants & Awards”. Applications are due Friday, April 8th at Noon.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact one or both of the ICD Workshop Coordinators: Drs. Tara Mader ( and Jennifer Bankers-Fulbright (

General Announcements

Sign up for a CSA Pickup at Augsburg

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The Good Acre’s (TGA) CSA farm share will have a drop-site at Augsburg this coming summer and fall! Purchasing a farm share from TGA is an amazing way for Augsburg students, faculty, and staff to support local farmers and access delicious locally-grown produce (+ add-ons like local eggs and cheese!)

If you are interested in signing up to pick up a weekly farmshare box on campus, go to this website, and then select “Augsburg Campus Cupboard” as the pick-up option.

Staff- Use Your Community Services Hours with Campus Kitchen

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Campus Kitchen has a few ongoing volunteer needs. Volunteering with Campus Kitchen is a great way to help make healthy food more accessible in our community. For anyone who is interested, please out the following opportunities:

-Lunch/ grocery deliveries at Ebenezer Tower senior apartments (transportation provided)
Thursdays 1:30-3:30pm

-Off-campus grocery deliveries (must have a car)
Tuesdays noon-1pm

-Food donation sorting/organizing at the Campus Cupboard (entirely on campus)
Mondays 11am-12:30pm

Sign up on right-hand side of CK webpage

Grad Fair in the Bookstore, March 22

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The bookstore will be hosting a grad fair in the bookstore on 3/22 from 10:00am-2:00pm from 2022 graduates. You can come into the bookstore and purchase your graduation regalia, talk to the regalia vendor about regalia questions, rings, and diploma frames.

The career center will also be conducting surveys for post graduation plans.

Graduation regalia will be available to be purchased in store starting 3/22 until the day of graduation.

Regalia can be purchased at any time in store from 3/22 until graduation in the bookstore.

Budget Working Group Efforts Continue

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The Budget Working Group (Haaland, Devers, Kaivola, Chamberlin, Aoki and Pike) will continue its efforts through the end of spring semester in addressing cost cutting for FY23. Faculty are encouraged to submit questions to the group as often as they arise. Each week Senate President Andy Aoki includes responses to these questions in the report sent directly to all faculty members. As difficult decisions are still ahead, faculty input and questions are valuable.

Come Into Full Bloom with TutorMe

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Students – don’t forget about TutorMe! It is available to Augsburg students 24/7 and offers tutoring in over 300 subjects from qualified tutors. Students are able to use 3 hours a week; 3 one hour sessions or 6 thirty-minute sessions. You can access TutorMe through any of your Moodle classes. At the top left of your screen there is an orange tab to see the side panel of resources. As you scroll down, you will see the “Augsburg Tools” section and underneath is the link to TutorMe. For more information on other tutoring and academic skills options, please click “Tutoring & Academic Skills Information”.

Academic Skills & Tutoring Information

Looking for a Job? Employers Tabling This Week

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Representives from the following organizations will be on campus tabling this week in the lobby of the Christensen Center from 10:30am-12:30pm
All are welcome! Stop by and network with employers!

ACR Homes – Tuesday, March 22nd

FEDEX -Tuesday, March 22nd

College Muscle Movers – Wednesday, March 23rd

Lutheran Volunteer Corps – Wednesday, March 23rd
Learn about full-time post graduation positions for 2022-2023 in a variety of locations.

Strommen Career & Internship Team

Age 60+? Complete this Survey for a Prize Drawing and Charitable Donation

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Augsburg community members aged 60+ are invited to participate in a short online survey on their interactions with those in other age groups. One lucky winner will win a $100 Target gift card, and for each completed survey that we receive we will donate $1 to the American Red Cross. The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and helps advance student and faculty research in the Psychology Department. For more information, contact the lead investigator at, or visit the link below for additional details and contact info.

Click here to access the survey

Auggie Basics Housing – Application Open for Summer 2022 and 2022-2023 Academic Year

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Augsburg University is accepting applications for Auggie Basics Housing for summer 2022 and the 2022-23 academic year.

Monday, April 4, 2022 at 5pm

Auggie Basics Housing is designed to address the needs of students who are experiencing housing instability. The purpose of the program is to provide a bridge for students whose housing is not stable as they seek to identify a permanent solution.

Students accepted into Auggie Basics Housing will live on campus without cost to the student. Regardless of when students enter the program, the housing commitment will cover the full academic year if needed. If the student secures permanent housing elsewhere, they will be released from the program and the spot will be offered to another student.

Students are not required to have a meal plan if they are selected for Auggie Basics Housing, including those placed into buildings that require one.

To be eligible for Auggie Basics Housing, students must be returning students and not receiving other housing aid from the University. Incoming first-year and transfer students are not eligible to apply.

Students may apply for housing either for the summer term and/or for the academic year. Students must reapply each academic year, and may be part of the program for up to two academic years. Being chosen for Auggie Basics Housing one year does not guarantee participation in future years.


Questions may be directed to Michael Grewe, Assistant Dean of Students, at

Auggie Basics Housing Application

Event Announcements

Afrikan Night Event

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On Thursday, March 31st, Augsburg’s Pan Afrikan Student Union will be hosting our annual Afrikan Night Event. The theme for this year is “Taste of the Diaspora”. We would like to invite all students and staff to attend. There will be live performances, catered food, and an African Fashion Show!

We would also like to invite all Augsburg students and local community talent to sign up to perform as well! There will be auditions held this month.

Follow us on Instagram @AugsburgPasu!
Best Regards,


Focused Conversation on Institutional Advancement and Comprehensive Campaign: March 28

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Join Amy Alkire, vice president for institutional advancement, for a Focused Conversation on the university’s philanthropic priorities and the upcoming public phase of the Great Returns comprehensive campaign.

Monday, March 28
Noon, Marshall Room and Zoom

To view the Focused Conversation schedule and access the live-stream link when available, visit the All Hands page (log in required).

All Hands Page

RSVP for Salsa-Making Workshop With Campus Kitchen

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Join Campus Kitchen in Hagfors 108 to learn how to make salsa with special guest, local farmer Tim Page! FREE for Augsburg students.

Workshop is next Thursday, March 24 from 5-6:30pm.

Limited to first 7 people to rsvp. Sign up here!

What’s it Like to Study in Mexico? Zoom Info Session Tomorrow

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What’s It Like to Study in Mexico? Find out from students who are there!

Join us virtually tomorrow, March 23, at 5:30pm on Zoom.

Hear from current students and staff members in Mexico to learn what it’s like to study abroad in Cuernavaca! Ask your questions – anything from “What is housing like?” to “Do I need to speak Spanish fluently?” and of course “How good is the food, really?” (spoiler alert: it’s SUPER good!).

Whether you are interested in going abroad this summer, fall, or sometime next year, join us to hear all about the life-changing experience that awaits you in Cuernavaca, Mexico at the Augsburg study center.

Join the Zoom Meeting:

Learn more about Mexico study programs

Only Two Weeks Away: The US’s largest DEI conference

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The 2022 Forum on Workplace Inclusion conference will be a three-day virtual experience. Augsburg faculty and staff are eligible to receive a 70% discount off the registration fee!

Join us at the 34th annual conference as we come together to Solve for X.

Augsburg Women Engaged (AWE) Present: Women’s History Month: 100 Years of Coeducation

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March 31, 2022, 7:30 p.m. Central Time

Join a free, online event with Augsburg faculty Dr. Kristin Anderson and Dr. Jacqueline deVries. Dr. Anderson will open the program with a presentation on the history of women at Augsburg, followed by Dr. deVries who will discuss more contemporary issues. After their presentations, Dr. Anderson and Dr. deVries are planning to field questions from attendees about their presentations and other related issues.

To sign up for the event, please visit our registration page included below. The program will be approximately one hour in length.

Waste Sorting Event this Friday

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Are you interested in learning how to sort your waste properly? Join us on Friday the 25th from 5-6 in OGC100. We will be talking about how to manage trash, organics, and recycling as well as electronic waste.
Enjoy some bakery items from Rebecca’s Bakery and play a fun Kahoot! game where you can win gift cards from local restaurants like Curry in a Hurry, Soberfish, and AfroDeli. Bring your friends!

CWC Mental Health Event – Wednesday, March 23 at 6 p.m.

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We invite you to a conversation with the Multicultural Coordinator from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) on Mental Health 101: Exploring Mental Wellness and Resources. Unpack the cultural-based stigma around mental health by learning about warning signs and resources to help access care and help navigate the mental healthcare system.

Please Join Us!

The 5th Annual Fosdick Lecture on Preaching: Preaching in a Time of Crisis

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Rev. Ingrid Rasmussen, Lead Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Rev. Angela Khabeb, Senior Associate Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

Today at 10:00 am
Live Streamed from Hoversten Chapel, Foss Center, Augsburg University

Register in advance for this webinar
or join us live in Hoversten Chapel

Augsburg University Campus Ministry invites you to join us as Augsburg University welcomes Pastors Ingrid Rasmussen and Angela Khabeb for the sixth annual Fosdick Lecture in Preaching.

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, located just off of Lake Street in the 3rd Precinct, found itself at the heart of the explosive response to the brutal killing of George Floyd and the centuries of trauma that preceded his death. During the months that followed the uprising, the church responded by distributing donated food, diapers, toiletries, plywood for boarding up broken windows, cleaning supplies, and tools to the community. This remained a primary part of Holy Trinity’s work throughout the summer and fall of 2020. Pastors Rasmussen and Khabeb will share their insights on preaching during this time of crisis and reflect on how these experiences continue to shape their understanding of theology and ministry.

Come, join the conversation!

10:00 am Welcome, Lecture and Q&A
11:30 am Chapel Worship

More information

“Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the East African Community: Part 2”

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Interfaith at Augsburg and the Muslim Student Association present:
“Perspectives on the Opioid Crisis in the East African Community: Part 2”
March 23, 2022 at 4:00 pm Central Time on Zoom

The East African community in the Twin Cities is experiencing a crisis of opioid addiction touching the lives of youth, young adults, and their families in our community. Two community leaders will share their perspectives and how they have responded to the crisis.

Mimi Sahlu – Mimi Sahlu is a small business owner. She is a community leader who helps others find resources. She is an activist and voice for East African women.

Abdirahman Mukhtar – Abdirahman Mukhtar worked with the Confederation of Somali Communities in Minnesota, as a youth diversion coordinator and as the youth program manager at the Brian Coyle Center of Pillsbury United Communities, a hub for Somali immigrants. He strives to make a human connection with youth who are homeless, often alienated from their own community. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Daryeel Youth. DARYEEL (which means “care” in Somali) is a volunteer-based Street Outreach effort to support East African youth.

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Interfaith at Augsburg and the Muslim Student Association thank the Batalden Ethics Grant Program at Augsburg for sponsoring this event.

TODAY: Staff Appreciation Event

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Staff Appreciation Today (Tuesday, March 22nd) at 3:00 pm

Each year, Augsburg University’s Staff Senate hosts a special event where staff are recognized for years of service, completion of the Diversity and Inclusion certificate program, and outstanding contributions to the campus community. The event includes light refreshments and snacks. For staff members who wish to join us virtually, snacks will be available to pick up in the Events Office, 2nd Floor, Christensen, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, to bring back to your office to eat while you watch.

2022 Staff Appreciation Program
Tuesday, March 22
3–4:30 p.m. | Foss Center, Hoversten Chapel
Zoom Livestream:

If you need disability accommodations to fully participate in this event, please contact the Staff Senate at

As part of this event, we are encouraging attendees to bring donations for Campus Cupboard, Augsburg’s student food shelf. Campus Cupboard is currently looking for donations of the following items:

Food donations: Ramen (all flavors)
Rice and/or pasta
Mac + Cheese
Gluten free pasta
Personal care items (e.g. lotion, shampoo, mouthwash, toothbrushes, etc)
Oils (olive oil, peanut oil, etc)
Peanut butter and other nut butters
Granola bars
Trail mix
Soy sauce
Snacks (e.g. Goldfish, pretzels, etc)
Paper or cloth grocery bags
Toiletry donations: laundry detergent, dish soap, clorox wipes, hand soap, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, makeup products, lip balm, sunscreen

Please consider bringing an item to donate to Campus Cupboard on Tuesday, March 22. You can also donate any time by bringing items to the Campus Cupboard, located in Anderson.

2022 Staff Appreciation Event

BIPOC Mental Health

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Come join Mental Health Matters on Monday, March 28th 6-7pm via Zoom to learn about Mental health in BIPOC communities!

The BIPOC Community experiences unique generational trauma from racial oppression, which can lead to specific mental health needs. There can also be barriers to accessing effective care related to culture & language, disparities, stigma, immigration status, & provider competence. Come and hear from a panel of local community practitioners & educators about these needs and resources available to address them.

There will be two ($10) target gift card drawings for attendees of this event.

Zoom Event Link:

Keeping Track of Auggies

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