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CGEE’s Ann Lutterman-Aguilar and Leah Spinosa de Vega presented virtually along with colleagues from the UMN and AFS at the Forum on Education Abroad’s Annual Conference. Their presentation, “Developing Justice-Oriented Global Competencies Online at Home & In Study Abroad” addressed how online learning modules in the Global Competency Certificate can be leveraged to educate students to take action, develop mindsets to be more accepting and flexible, and to articulate the ways that they are interconnected to diverse people within the USA and around the world.
The Forum is a membership association recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission as the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for the field of education abroad. The Forum provides training and resources to education abroad professionals and its Standards of Good Practice are recognized as the definitive means by which the quality of education abroad programs may be judged. The Forum’s mission is to cultivate educators who champion high quality education abroad experiences that ignite curiosity, impact lives, and contribute to a better world.