Augsburg Students Win Gilman Scholarship

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We are pleased to announce SIX Auggies were selected to receive the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship in the last round of applications to receive up to $5,000 toward a study abroad program! The Gilman Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship organization deadicated to giving scholarships to people for going abroad. Our students put in tremendous time and effort so make sure to congratulate them if you see them!

Winners include:
Zinna Koy- A Sociology Major that is going on an Augsburg short term program to the Netherlands this May

Ahlam Gass- A Finance Major going this summer to Australia

Kay Carvajal Moran- A Sociology Major going on an Augsburg short term program to the Netherlands this May

Since 2008, Augsburg has had 88 students win the Gilman scholarship!

We also want to thank all of the people that have assisted these students along the way! Many thanks to the Study Abroad/Away team, Xia Vang and the whole financial aid team, staff in TRIO, MSS, Academic Advising, and URGO and, of course, faculty mentors/advisors.

Congrats to our 6 Auggies!

Learn more about the Gilman Scholarship