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Thank you to all presenters who shared their expertise and facilitated important discussions at as we prepare to welcome students back next week. Thank you to all attendees for your participation, questions, conversation, and commitment to our campus teaching and learning community. And thank you to Mike Reeder, Dominic Bruno, and all Events staff for their valuable logistical support.
The Back to School Workshop Evaluation is also now available. Please take a few minutes to provide feedback on this year’s workshops, and offer suggestions for future Office of Faculty Development and Center for Teaching and Learning programming.
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Is it time to move your beginning Spanish-speaking skills to a higher level? Are you looking for another course to add into your schedule? The Languages and Cross-Cultural Studies department invites you to consider taking Spa 211 for the Fall semester. Continuing your Spanish study is a powerful way to enhance your resume and make you a more viable job candidate in a market that is looking for global competence and multilingual skills. Spa 211 is the last prerequisite course for a Spanish minor, but even if you’re not able to pursue a minor, adding another Spanish course or 2 to your transcript and resume will give you an advantage in a competitive hiring market.
SPA 211 is Intermediate Spanish, a 2nd yr. language course designed for continuing skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and exploring cultures of the Spanish-speaking world, and is intended for students who’ve completed Spanish 112 or the equivalent.
This fall Spa 211 meets MWF 12:30-1:40, on campus. Students, faculty and staff are invited to register. Please spread the word to your Augsburg friends! And if you have any questions, you’re welcome to contact me or Professor Michael Kidd.
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The student loaner laptop checkout form for Fall semester is now live. You may request a new laptop checkout for the Fall semester through the Fall return due date of December 15th.
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Choirs at Augsburg are open to students of any major and musical background. We perform classical concert music and folkloric music from all over the globe, collaborating with professional artists from around the world. If you love choral singing, come to our placement auditions!
When are they being held?
• Wednesday, August 30, between 10:00 and 3:00.
• Thursday, August 31, between 10:00 and 3:00.
(If you absolutely cannot come according to this schedule, please e-mail Dr. Kristina Boerger ASAP at for an accommodation.)
How long do they take?
Between 20 and 25 minutes:
• 10-15 minutes to complete an intake sheet in the hallway.
• 10 minutes to visit and sing in the classroom with vocal faculty.
Do I need to prepare anything for my audition?
We would love to hear you sing one verse of a song in any style that you feel shows your vocal talents. But if you don’t have a song, don’t let that stop you!
How do I sign up for and complete my audition?
• Any time after 5:00 on Friday, August 25, stop by room M3 in Anderson Music Hall and sign up for your singing time on the sheets posted outside the classroom.
• On your appointment day, arrive 15 minutes ahead of your singing time. Grab an intake sheet, fill it out, and wait to be called in for your hearing.
• When you are invited in to sing, bring your completed intake sheet with you.
How do I get started with choir class?
• Look for an e-mail with your placement result, to be sent out by noon on 9/4.
• On receiving that e-mail, register for the class in which you have been placed.
• Report for your class according to its published schedule, beginning after Labor Day.
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Students who have not enrolled in Orchestra (MUE 121) but who are interested in auditioning for placement in the Orchestra should contact Dr. Rafael Rodriguez by email at All Orchestra placement auditions are by video submission.
All string players with previous experience playing in orchestra (school orchestra, community orchestra, church orchestra, etc.) or with previous experience taking lessons on a string instrument are welcome to enroll in Orchestra. The audition videos are intended for placement and seating only – they’re not “make or break” auditions. We just want a chance to get to know you musically and to see what you’re doing as a player.
Orchestra meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:00 – 6:40 p.m. in the Music Hall, M3 rehearsal room.
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The marketing and communication department is looking for students to participate in photoshoots around campus throughout the year. Photos can be used for print materials, websites, social media, and other marketing and communication efforts.
If you are interested in volunteering to be in photos for Augsburg University, please fill out the Media Sign-Up Form. Volunteers will added to a list and whenever students are needed, the marketing and communications department will send out an email asking for availability.
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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:
08/22/2023: Seasonal Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach
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The following Augsburg Student positions were posted within the past 7 days:
08/22/2023: Theater Costume Shop Student Artist, Academic Year 2023-24
08/22/2023: Theater Scene Shop Student Technician, Academic Year 2023-24
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Please stop by the University Events office, suite 203 in Christensen Center, on Monday, August 28, to say farewell to Dom Bruno and thank him for all his contributions to Augsburg.
Dom has taken a new job position at the University of Minnesota, and his last day at Augsburg is Monday. Dom has worked with many across campus in his role as event and conference coordinator and will be greatly missed at Augsburg!
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There are still openings available in the Costumes and Make-Up for Performance class, which is happening from 11:10-12:20 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this semester!
The class will be a mix of lectures, in-class activities, and projects with an overall focus on how to design costumes for the stage.
Topics included but are not limited to:
Fashion in History
Analyzing Costumes in Film
Play Readings studying Character Development
Fabric Selection
Clothing Terminology
How to Collaborate on a Design Team
How to Navigate a Career in the Arts
Students will keep a sketchbook of drawings throughout the semester in order to track growth, effort, and the ability to communicate ideas. Throughout the course, drawing skills will not be assessed, no tests or quizzes will be given, and no sewing is required.
If you have any questions, please email either the Department Chair, Darcey Engen,, or Stacey Palmer,
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On Tuesday, August 29 at 10:30am, staff and faculty are invited to line up along both sides of 7 1/2 Street (between Anderson Music Hall and Murphy Square) and cheer/clap as incoming first-year and transfer students walk from the Quad to Si Melby during the Convocation Procession. Wear Auggie gear or academic regalia to welcome our newest students to campus.
Clapping tunnel participants will process into the Opening Convocation scheduled from 11am to 11:45am. Please join your fellow faculty and staff for this Auggie tradition!
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