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Augsburg University has proudly partnered with Knack—a platform enabling Augsburg students to book course-specific peer tutoring and mentoring services. Knack Tutors are Augsburg students who have previously aced the courses they offer assistance in; tutoring is completely free and sessions can take place in-person or online.
Tutors earn $16/hour and set their own schedule, including whether to tutor online or in-person. Augsburg students can tutor any courses in which they’ve earned a B+ or higher.
To become a tutor,
1) Visit
2) Select “Become a tutor”
3) Complete the online tutor training module
4) Submit an unofficial transcript (available on Records & Registration by clicking on “Unofficial Transcript” > “All Semesters” > “Printable Version”)
5) Start tutoring and get paid!
Contact Academic Advising or drop by Lindell Library 227 with questions!