
Public Safety and Facilities Announcements

Installation of East Commons Movable Wall: Monday and Tuesday Morning

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The installation of the movable wall between the main Dining Commons space and the East Commons is scheduled Monday and Tuesday (September 16 and 17). Crews will tape off the installation area, and the rest of the Dining Commons will be usable during this time. Crews are scheduled to work from 6 a.m. to noon both days.

Teaching and Learning

Full-Time Faculty: Apply for an Advancing Religious Pluralism Fellowship – Due September 20

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The Interfaith Institute, Religion and Philosophy Department, and Center for Teaching and Learning received a grant from the Interfaith America and John Templeton Foundations to implement a year-long faculty cohort focused on a campus wide effort on teaching religious diversity and pluralism. We invite full-time Augsburg University faculty to apply for the fellowship program. Limited fellowships are available and fellows will receive a stipend of $500.00. Faculty from any department are encouraged to apply.

The goals of the yearlong fellowship are to develop new material for courses, new approaches to teaching, and to learn from other faculty members in the cohort. We will be leading workshops on religious pluralism, teaching religious diversity, and understanding how to engage worldview diversity in the classroom and beyond. If you’re not familiar with teaching religious and worldview diversity, this cohort is a wonderful opportunity to learn more and build your skills and familiarity with these topics. We will work with you to integrate content and skills in your context and academic discipline.

Sessions will include presentations on topics and the opportunity to workshop ideas with other cohort members. Some brief pre-reading will be required.

The cohort will meet via Zoom:
Thursday, Oct. 10th 3:30-5:30
Thursday, Nov. 7th 3:30-5:30
Thursday, Feb. 6th 3:30-5:30
Thursday, Feb. 20th 3:30-5:30
Thursday, March 27th 3:30-5:30

To apply, complete the Advancing Religious Pluralism Faculty Fellows Application

Questions? Contact us at

Apply for Mayo Innovation Scholars Program

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Applications for Augsburg’s Mayo Innovations Scholar Program are now available on the URGO website! This program is highly competitive and is primarily designed for juniors and seniors.

What is MISP?
In the process of conducting research, Mayo Clinic scientists have developed new products that may be marketable. These products are submitted to the Mayo Clinic Office of Intellectual Property (OIP) for a thorough investigation of marketability. The OIP has a significant backlog of products to be investigated. One of the backlogged products or inventions is assigned to each MISP team for investigative research and formal presentation at Mayo Clinic.

Augsburg’s team will consist of an MBA student, 2-3 undergraduate science students, 1-2 undergraduate business/economics students, 2 Augsburg faculty, and a Licensing Manager from the Mayo Clinic OIP. The team will work together to understand the science and applications of the project or innovation and analyze the market potential. Each undergraduate student on the team will receive $1,500. Teams will begin work during October and the final presentations will be in February.

To Apply:
Applications can be found on the URGO website ( Completed applications must be submitted to Jacob Enger by Tuesday, October 1st, 2024. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Jacob Enger by email –

Application Link

General Announcements

Share Shop Hours/Info

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The Share Shop is officially open for the semester! We are so excited to see you on Mondays from 1:00-5:00 pm, and Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:00-4:00 pm.

We will be accepting donations during these hours, you’re free to shop around, and we are available to schedule your formal clothing and outdoor activity rentals! Come check it out in Science Hall 8B across from the grey table (follow the blue arrows on the floor). See you there!

We are in search of…
– Men’s clothing
– Vacuums/brooms
– A laptop

For more updates, follow our Instagram (augsburg.shareshop)!

Sign Up for Taste of Augsburg – Calling All Student Orgs, Teams, and Department Heads

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Calling all student organizations, athletic teams, and department heads, sign up to be a vendor at the Taste of Augsburg Homecoming event on Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Taste of Augsburg is a great way to engage with students, alumni, parents and friends of the University on Homecoming weekend, while also raising money to support your student group, team, or department. Whether you sell food, beverages, swag, or something else, consider signing up for Taste of Augsburg today! The last day to sign up is Friday, September 13.

For questions, please reach out to

Link to sign up:

Link to seed money request form:

Taste of Augsburg Vendor Sign Up

Augsburg Project Leaders: Apply for a 2024 Give to the Max Fundraising Page

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Calling all project leaders, coaches, and department heads, apply to have a Give to the Max 2024 fundraising page for your specific project!

Planning is underway for Give to the Max Day here at Augsburg. In order to have a fundraising page, you must fill out the Google Form below. The deadline to apply for a project is September 13.

We will be in touch with applicants with decisions about final projects the following week.

Prior to application, please read the Give to the Max Project Leaders document:

Google form application:

For questions, please reach out to Nate Berkas at

Augsburg Give to the Max Day 2024 – Project Fundraising Page Application

New Staff Positions This Week (2)

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The following Augsburg Staff positions were posted within the past 7 days:

09/09/2024: Program Coordinator, StepUP
09/06/2024: Human Resources Coordinator

Search Augsburg Job Postings

New Student Positions This Week (5)

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The following Augsburg Student positions were posted within the past 7 days:

09/11/2024: Student: Academic Advising Assistant, Academic Year 2024-25
09/11/2024: Student: Film & Media Technical Assistant, Academic Year 2024-25
09/11/2024: Student: Financial Aid Assistant, Academic Year 2024-25
09/08/2024: Student: Schwartz School Event and Promotional Support Assistant
09/08/2024: Student: Schwartz School Graphic Design Assistant

Search Augsburg Job Postings

New Student Position: Academic Advising Assistant, Academic Year 2024-25

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– General Academic Advising office support – copying, filing, maintaining cleanliness of waiting area, and other administrative tasks as assigned.
– In person, email, and phone reception and customer service.
– Download and demonstrate Navigate app to students and help schedule appointments.
– Connect to campus resources such as drop-in advising hours or tutoring.
– Proctor, grade, and enter scores for placement tests.
– Assist students with basic questions and refer as appropriate.
– Liaison between campus departments.
– Other duties and special projects as assigned.

Desired Weekly Schedule:

– Monday, 9am to 12pm and/or 1pm to 4pm
– Tuesday, 1pm to 4pm
– Wednesday, 9am to 12pm and/or 1pm to 4pm
– Thursday, 1pm to 4pm

View Job Posting

Event Announcements

Employer Tabling Monday: Improve Your Tomorrow

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Come meet an employer, Improve Your Tomorrow, Monday in the Christensen Center Lobby! Improve Your Tomorrow is a college-access and completion non-profit providing wrap-around programs and services to young men of color, helping them get to and through college.

A core piece of how we achieve our mission is through youth mentorship. Each year, Improve Your Tomorrow offers over 150 paid AmeriCorps fellowships for college students to serve as mentors in our region’s middle schools and high schools.

Employer Tabling: Improve Your Tomorrow

Study Abroad Scholarship – Writing Workshop

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On Wednesday, September 18th, the Study Abroad and Away Office is hosting a writing workshop for the Benjamin Gilman Scholarship. The workshop will be in the Marshall Room from 6-7pm. The purpose of the workshop is to help students refine their essays before they submit their scholarship applications.

The Gilman Scholarship is a great scholarship for US Citizens who are Pell Grant recipients. Please go to to learn more. The application deadline is October 10th.

Please contact Sarah Morgan at if you have any questions.

Keeping Track of Auggies

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