2022 Forum on Workplace Inclusion Call For Proposals Now Open

submitted by gocmen@augsburg.edu

The Forum on Workplace Inclusion® is excited to announce the opening of the Call for Proposals for our 2022 program year (including our 34th annual conference) — Solving for X: Tackling Inequity in a World of Unknowns.

Addressing complex challenges can be daunting, especially when the foundations of our structures are shifting. As we look to a future of continuous and unforeseeable change, what must we do to tackle systemic inequities deeply embedded in our everyday environments and unharness inclusive, equitable, and sustainable ways of working? 

We invite you to submit a proposal to be a part of the upcoming program year to help us all Solve for X.

The submission deadline is Monday, August 16, 2021 11:59 pm central.
