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As we work to return to normal operations for the ’21-’22 academic year, it’s time to start thinking about parking permits. We will be moving back to requiring permits to park in Augsburg owned lots beginning on September 1, sales dates and prices are as follows:
Sales Dates:
August 2: Seniors/Staff/Faculty/Grad
August 3: Juniors
August 4: Sophomores
August 5: First Year Commuters
August 6: Underground Permits for Staff/Faculty
Permit Prices (Semester/Year)
Student Resident: $195/$390
Student Commuter: $179/$358
AU/Graduate: $61/$121
Adjunct Faculty or Part-Time Staff (below .5 FTE): $105/$210
Full-Time Faculty/Staff: $252/$504
Luther Underground*: $470/$1,400
OGC Underground*: $505/$1,515