Importing Content Into Your Spring 2023 Courses

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Spring semester is quickly approaching, and in preparation for this, your E-learning team is here to help you import content into your Spring 2023 courses.

For importing a class from Fall 2021 onwards, you can use the import tool, located within the Administration block. Please note that you need to be an instructor for both the source and destination courses. If you aren’t the instructor for both courses, please contact your LFC or Susan Hadjiyanis, Instructional Design Technologist (contact information at bottom).

Find more information on the import tool below:

For importing a class prior to Fall 2021, you can use the Archive block. You are able to import content as far back as Fall 2017. If you need to import from a course prior to that, please contact your LFC or Instructional Design Technologist.

Find more information about using the Archive block below:

After importing content into your Spring 2023 course, you also might want to hide what students are able to view. You can find information about hiding individual resources/activities, topic sections, and/or an entire course below:

For additional help, contact your LFC or Instructional Design Technologist.